Building a team that lasts a lifetime -Taking your team beyond survival
Saturday, 20 January 2018 by Townsend Consulting Group
Content originally taken from eBella Magazine, “Building a team that lasts a lifetime -Taking your team beyond survival” by Kelly Townsend One of the challenging aspects of building a cohesive team in the workforce is creating the kind of communication and trust in the environment where people are free from operating inside the fundamental concern;”
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Stop Kidding Yourself
Friday, 05 January 2018 by Townsend Consulting Group
Content originally taken from eBella Magazine, “Stop Kidding Yourself” by Kelly Townsend You need to get more organized, don’t you? The sheer onslaught of incoming information — e-mail, voice mail, phone calls, mail, faxes, people walking up and wanting your attention while you’re doing something important —is so overwhelming that our standard answer to, “What’s
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